Apply for microTAIGA!

Apply for microTAIGA - Transformational Leadership Program for women, trans and non-binary folks working in Arts and Culture in/from Eastern Europe and the Baltics. 

Are you an artist, activist or cultural practitioner interested in exploring transformative cultural leadership rooted in queer feminist and decolonial perspectives?

Would you like to build nourishing connections with like-minded practitioners from the region?

Would you like to acquire practical skills and tools for self and community care in times of deep socio-ecological crises?

Are you interested in exploring ways of doing cultural/artistic work that acknowledges and addresses the social and ecological challenges of our times?

Apply by the 1st of deceMBER to join the 6th cycle of our microTAIGA Program!


Key Dates:

  • 18th of November 2024: Application opens

  • 1st of December 2024, midnight: Application closed

  • 13th of December 2024: Participants are selected and notified

  • 20th of December 2024: Participants need to confirm their participation

  • 6th and 7th of January 2025: 30 min. Listening Sessions with each participant

  • 8th of January 2024: Opening Circle, 16.00 - 18.00 CET

  • 15.01.25 - 05.03.25: online sessions on Wednesdays


What is it?

TAIGA is a holistic education and empowerment program born as a response to the challenges of womxn within the realms of arts and culture. It also stems from a longing for safe learning spaces to explore transformational and non-patriarchal ways of working, leading and being together.

We especially encourage people identifying as Queer and/or BPOC to apply.

microTAIGA is an online program consisting of:

  • Listening session before starting the program to hear your needs and respond to them;

  • 6 Facilitated workshops;

  • Workbook with self-reflection exercises, concepts, and toolboxes; 

  • 2 Fireside Chats with inspiring people from the sector;

  • Peer-to-peer learning - bi-weekly TAIGA match with another participant;

  • Mentoring and reflection session.

The 4 learning modules we will focus on are:

  • WILLOW: Self- and Community Care\nFocused on exploring interdependence with others (humans and more-than-humans); reflecting on what care means and looks like; acquiring tools for self- and community care.

  • MOSS: Activism\nFocused on exploring social power structures with an intersectional lens; reflecting on how we are all part of the problem and part of the solution; and acquiring tools and practices for being proactive and reactive in the face of injustices.

  • ELM: Human and Planet-Centred Practice\nFocused on exploring different systems of the economic organization; reflecting on how whatever we do is connected with other areas of work and the world; acquiring tools and ideas for creating organizational structures that challenge capitalism and/or ideate new ways and experiments.

  • MAPLE: Leadership\nFocused on exploring different approaches in self- and community leadership; empowering oneself and one another; acquiring tools and strategies for inclusive leadership, and leadership that drives positive change.

Time commitment:

We ask you to book Wednesdays between 8th of January and 5th of March, for workshop sessions and optional TAIGA Matches.

Opening Ceremony - 08.01 (16:00-18:00 CET)
1st Module Willow: Self- and Community Care - 15.01 (16:00-19:00 CET)
2nd Module Moss: Activism - 29.01 (16:00-19:00 CET)
3rd Module Elm: Human&Planet Cenetred Entrepreneurship - 12.02 (16:00-19:00 CET)
4th Module Maple: Feminist Leadership - 26.02 (16:00-19:00 CET)
Closing Ceremony - 05.03 (16:00-18:00 CET)

In addition to the workshops, you will be invited to participate in optional sessions such as Fireside Chats (dates to be announced) and TAIGA Matches (other Wednesdays 17-18 CET) with other participants in the programme. You will also be invited to various practices between sessions and will be given assignments to complete between workshops. Therefore, your time commitment can vary from 2-4 hours per week or as much time as you need or want. It is up to you to decide how much you want to give and take from the community! We do ask for a commitment to attend all online meetings as this is where the magic happens - they are interactive, relational and we do not record them.

Who is it for?

  • women, trans and non-binary folks working in the arts and culture sector;

  • based in or from the Baltics and Eastern Europe;

  • grassroots activists that want to/already organize community spaces using art as a tool for change;

  • artists, curators, and producers that want to shift mainstream narratives and create spaces where marginalized people are centered;

  • cultural practitioners that want to develop anti-oppressive practices and transformative leadership skills; 

  • those committed to building communities who want to move resources and improve movement-building skills.

Participation costs

We prioritize the accessibility of microTAIGA program for everyone interested; therefore, nobody will be sent back due to lack of funds. 
The proposed contributions are:

  • Solidarity fund: 7,5 EUR per week - 100 EUR

  • Regular price: 15 EUR per week - 200 EUR

  • Supporter price: 22,5 EUR per week - 300 EUR

Prepare the application

Fill in the application form.
Be Gentle with yourself and keep it AUTHENTIC.
We want the whole of you to be part of our community!

The recruitment results will be announced by the 13th of December 2024.

Have more questions?

Email us at