Our Team
Anika Spindelmann
Anika Spindelmann
I am a storyteller and change maker managing projects across cultures and borders. My background is in European Studies and Politics, as well as Business and Marketing. I've worked with communication, marketing, project and change management in both smaller and bigger organisations centred around sustainability for the past 8 years.
My current focus is on exploring how to design resilient, regenerative futures and cultures and to use the power of stories to create positive change and shift the narratives around us. I believe in the ability of our words, voices and actions to create impact and change, and therefore I'm passionately working with ways to empower and re-wild ourselves and find our authentic voices. I'm interested in cultural ecology, eco-poetry and eco-literacy. I am a native German who has lived abroad for the past 10 years in Switzerland, South Africa and, longest and currently, in Denmark.
For as long as I can remember I've been curious to understand this world, the people, our relations, and been diving into different disciplines to connect the dots to the bigger picture. As a world citizen, meeting others and listening to their stories, creating new ideas and learning together and from each other is what fuels me. Together we can imagine and build a world with social and ecological justice. I'm passionate about reconnecting others back to nature and remembering that we are nature indeed ourselves. I'm designing outdoor experiences that aim at creating spaces of reflection and connection with others and nature in Aarhus, Denmark.
Things that make me happy and make me feel alive are meditation, art, music, foraging, hiking and backpacking, chasing sunrises and mountaintops and jumping into every lake and ocean.